
2004-07-01 | 11:54 a.m.

I'm trying to sleep away the part of the day

last night i had a dream about the boys in my last entry i met over a week ago. i feel like i'm being a pussy, not trying to make a connection.

I went to work, but it turned out i didn't have to work, so i talked to erin and decided to be brave and go down to Roy's place on 6th and see what they were doing. I walked down 6th, it was about 5 blocks to his place, talking myself down from the anxiety the whole time. When i got to his block, the nervousness stopped. I got to his door, and there's a gate about 9 feet in front of the door(which i took a picture of "the next morning" so i wouldn't forget. So i would go back). A combo lock on an iron gate stood between me and the doorbell. So i decided to write a note and throw it into the cage. "yadda...I forgot the secret password...hang out again....this all seems like a dream...yadda." And i left Kelly's cell phone number. On my way home, Kelly gets a shady message from a woman saying, "I got you message, call me at his number." but she thinks it's from someone she knows.

Who knows. That note could float into obliovion. But, i kind of like the miscommunication.

i feel like it's too good to not be a dream anyway.

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