
2005-07-10 | 2:08 a.m.

Please let me have my diary back, Aunite Em

I guess it's been too long, diaryland. My diary is gone. Fuckers. I think my boobs are too big. I mean, the right one is all hanging on my right arm like a drunk frat girl.
Tonight i watched the first dvd of Brian Greene's The Elegant Universe. It all has this super cheesy, X Files meets Roswell feeling, like it is trying to make physics look "cool" and "scifi" when all it's really doing is making me think about the dorks who got hired to produce effects to make it look "cool" and "scifi" laughing at the ultra-dorkitude of the creators of this docu-dorkery. I do want to be a scientist, so i can totally be like a black person saying "what up, my nigga?!" Anyway, science documentaries get me hott.
Seriously, the boob thing is totally bothering me right now because i never hang out alone without a shirt on. I have periodically thought about cutting them off.
I am so out of touch with everything right now.

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