
2004-09-30 | 8:06 p.m.

procrastinating productively

Finally! LJ fucking quits IE when i try to post an entry and then this shitin' thing's servers are too overchay-loaded to let me add an entry either. For at least two and a half minutes! Two and a half miutes. That's like 1,500,000 milliseconds! Do i look like i have that kind of time? A lot of fucking work and aggrivation when i have nothing of consequence to say.
Oh, except that i totally ripped off the HEB today! I usually help myself to some Vitamin Water and spring rolls and eat them in the little "cafe" near the checkout area and then throw away the package in the trash. Try it sometime. No one ever says boo to a white girl stealing unless she shouts it out loud. My ATM caard got declined and she already had put the thank you sticker on the half-drunk beverage in my cart. I just walked out. It felt like walking out of a burning building smiling, knowing you put your cigarrette out in the trash and no one will ever know it was you. I even took the boxes with me i'm going to use for packing. Awesome.
In two hours i succeeded in putting all my shit on one side of my room. And sweeping. I am not good at this shit. At all. If it's someone elses stuff, no problem. I can organize it down to color coding their fucking dishware.
The boy i'm "seeing" or whatever the fuck that means doesn't talk to me anymore. even when we hang out really. We play video games or watch movies, at his instistence. I have to fucking time for this bullshit. I'm getting my playstation back and he's getting the boot. I mean, i don't need much, but i deserve better than this. Bitch. I mean, I read books, and wash my crotch, and i can DO stuff. you know? Like REAL stuff.

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